Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Nothing Sexier than an Organized Pantry...

I haven't really done much for the past two weeks, as my mother-in-law was in town.  It's difficult to be crafty when your craft room is occupied.

Anyways, tonight, while I was trying to locate some ribbon to make some sort of festive "outfit" for our three dogs for the Fourth of July, I decided on organizing our pantry.

As you can see...I don't cook.  LOL.  But, in my defense...its difficult to cook when you aren't organized.  

I created labels on my computer using my favorite program, PowerPoint.  I use it for everything.  I cut out the labels and finally put that laminator the Hubs got as a daily special on Amazon to work.  As you can see...I had to use Jane Austen as my font :).

I attached the labels through the wire shelving using thin black jewelry wire, wrapped around needle nose pliers to create a knot.

Much better!!

I got the jars and basket from Homegoods.  I don't believe I spent more than $4.99 on the tall ones.  Most of them were $2.99 a piece.  The basket was $9.99.  The chalkboard labels are from the Martha Stewart collection from Staples.

A close up:

I'm such a nerd, I have a favorite section:

The flour and sugar containers were a splurge from Pier One.  I love them!  

Now the Hubs has no excuse for putting things back in the wrong the pantry at least. :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Crystal Chandelier Revamp

Here was our guest bedroom:

That lampshade is missing something...

A cozy nook for a cup of tea, tying on a new pair of shoes, or placing the next days set of clothes:

Naked window:

This picture, taken by moi, just isn't doing it for me above the bed (lol thats dirty):

A memory board, purchased at a flea market last fall, full of memories for me and my Hubs:

Another angle of the room....the layout is all wrong.  I can feel it:

This room feels entirely wrong....but at least its a far cry from where it used to be:

I wanted a crystal chandelier for the guest bedroom...but I also didn't want to spend a fortune.  Fortunately I found one at Lowes for less than $100...but I didn't like the metal color.  They called it rust.  I called it RED.  Have I mentioned that I hate the color red?  I do.  

I was just going to hang it up, no problems...but now, you see, I have been on Pinterest...and you know I'm crafty and whatnot.  Maybe I'm no crafty than I've always been.  But I am definitely braver.  Whats easier than taking apart a crystal chandelier (?!), spray painting the metal and painting the crystals, and putting it back together?  Super easy right?

I have these gorgeous Stella and Dot earrings that inspired me.  

So I painted the crystals gray with stained glass paint.  Its at Hobby Lobby near the spray paint.  And P.S.  when they say they close at 8pm...they close at 8pm.  No dilly dattles.  They mean it! LOL!

Here's a picture of the before color (left) and after color (right):

I used wax paper to help with the mess later...and dont worry if the crystals are messy looking.  The paint dries really clear and pretty, even if unevenly painted.

I made sure to place each "row" into baggies to make it easier to put back together.  You will find the difficulty does NOT lie in trying to determine where they go...rather HOW they go...

I spray painted the light itself an antique gold...and it was garish.  

I loved it...and with the gray it would have been exactly the right colors to match my earrings.  But really, when it comes to matters of decor, its not good to follow trends.  I know for me, personally, when I embrace a trend too much, it backfires on me.  

I found a lovely shade of Valspar champagne...which I love...the drink, and the color, to paint the light with.  What a great decision.  Its gold without being gold and silver without being silver.  You could even say its white or gray.  


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Some of my favorite things...

Okay try not to think of that stupid song...yeah sorry about that.  Anyways, I was talking to Mr. Chateau about my favorite things about our house, about home decor, and I realized I have developed quite the list.  Here are a few...

1. Black lampshades with gold interiors

2. Edison lights

3. Crystal chandeliers

4. Louis XVI Chairs
(this one is from Ballard Design...which could get its own blog of things I love)

5. Carrara Marble

6. Gray reclaimed barn wood

7. This light from Restoration Hardware

8. Gray

9. Parisian apartments

10. Mint (or copper patina) --> Benjamin Moore Hollingsworth Green

11. This mixer

12. gold and gray

13. Louis XV Cane back chairs

14. Blowy and romantic drapes

15. white

16. farm tables with elegant chairs

17. mint and gold

18. Louis ghost chairs

19. chateau style fireplaces

20. warm and cozy libraries

I am stopping myself at 20...but I could go on and on.  I feel like it's so important to make our house "ours" (or rather make our house "mine").  I am so extremely blessed to have a husband who indulges me in my endeavor of feathering our nest.  I'm sure it doesn't hurt that I gave him his office to do with as he pleases.  I plan on keeping these images in the forethought of my mind, as I continue on tweaking our place, making it more and more like home.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm Not a Photographer...

Unfortunately, I am not the photographer in the family.  It really isn't for lack of trying.  I see things in my mind, but I can't capture them.  My husband has the photographic gene...but he lacks my vision...sorry honey!!

Anyways...I tweeked the front entry way a little more.  I wanted to hang a gold mirror above the Bombe add a little bit of Versaille into the mix.  I got an inexpensive mirror from Ross, and painted it with liquid gold foil.  I.Hated.It.  It looked like I painted on gold paint (which I suppose I did), but it looked cheap.  So I got real gold foil.  I'm not quite sure what I was thinking.  Of course, it was difficult to apply and got everywhere.  I sprayed on the glue, which made my previous gold paint start to smeer and melt off.  The gold foil is sticky, and by the time I essentially gave up, my hands were covered with gold.  I had to ultimately use a little Mineral Spirits to get it off.  Several days later, I came back to the mirror and was pleasantly surprised that it didn't look horrible.  After rubbing off the excess, it looked rustically elegant.  So I ripped off the blue tape, and called it good.

The following pictures are my lame attempts at capturing the detail of the Bombe chest.  As an aside,  I think I need a whiter lamp shade.  The cream just looks off.  Perhaps black!?

Eff it....heres the damn dog again.

Here is my marble bistro table with my crystal chandelier.  When I came home to this a few weeks ago, I literally gasped.  It took my breath away.  And there is no way you would know that, from this horrible picture :(.

I think the house is worse than before, but you have to get worse to get better.  Clutter is like acne, and my house has a HUGE ass zit...

 Like the hole in the wall of our kitchen?  The previous house owner had a hard wired home phone...with a cord.  You know the one.  You probably had one in the 80's.  Its probably been there since the 80's.  It's going to the Re-Store if anyone is interested ;).

I want that bifold door to be a black 4 panel so bad...

Left hand bottom corner = the seat cushions are completed!!  

Needs organization...

I am getting new "collars" for these can lights.

Downstairs bathroom:

Mirror needs to be rehung properly...

Medicine cabinet has got to go...

Current puppies playroom: